Player Information for cichy wizytowka bota awp

Player Profile

Steam Community Avatar
Poland cichy wizytowka bota awp
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Steam: STEAM_0:0:23144430
Status: Offline
Click here to add as friend
Karma: In good standing
Member of Clan: (None)
Real Name: (Not Specified)
E-mail Address: (Not Specified)
Home Page: (Not Specified)
MM Rank: rank
Last Connect:* Mon. Mar. 31st, 2025 @ 20:32:13
Total Connection Time: 11d 03:57:53h
Average Ping:* 52 ms (Latency: 26 ms)
Favorite Server:* [XL] Oldies || No Pro || No AWP ||
Favorite Map:* de_grit3
Favorite Weapon:* Kalashnikov AK-47

Statistics Summary

Activity: 100%
Points: 60,368
Rank: 13
Kills per Minute: 0.68
Kills per Death: 1.1419 (1.14*)
Headshots per Kill: 0.5340 (0.5299*)
Shots per Kill: 15.01
Weapon Accuracy: 22.3% (22%*)
Headshots: 5,864 (5,089*)
Kills: 10,982 (9,604*)
Deaths: 9,617 (8,393*)
Longest Kill Streak: 8
Longest Death Streak: 11
Suicides: 0
Teammate Kills: 97 (83*)

Player Rank

Lieutenant General

Current rank: Lieutenant General

Next rank: 1518 kills (39%)

Player Trend

Player Trend Graph

Forum Signature

forum sig image
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Sharpshooter Connection Time 150 Hours Bronze AK47 Supreme Steyr Aug Supreme AWP Sniper Supreme Desert Eagle Bronze Bomb Defuser Supreme Dual Beretta Elites Award of Famas Supreme Five-Seven Supreme G3 SG1 Supreme Galil Supreme Glock Bronze Headshots Supreme HE Grenades Supreme Hostage Killer Supreme Combat Knife Supreme Lowpinger Supreme M249 Para Supreme M3 Shotgun Bronze Colt M4A1 Supreme MAC 10 Bronze Most Kills Supreme MP5 Navy Supreme Sig P228 Supreme P90 Award of Bomb Planter Supreme Hostage Rescuer Supreme Scout Elite Supreme SG 550 Supreme SG 552 Supreme Suicides Award of Team Kills Supreme TMP Supreme UMP 45 Supreme USP Supreme XM Shotgun

Global Awards

Player Actions *

Rank Action Earned   Accumulated Points
1 Headshot 5,313 times 5,313
2 Double Kill (2 kills) 1,641 times 1,641
3 Pick up the Bomb 1,117 times 2,234
4 Round MVP 1,007 times 0
5 Triple Kill (3 kills) 583 times 1,166
6 Drop the Bomb 526 times -1052
7 Plant the Bomb 444 times 4,440
8 Start Defusing the Bomb With a Defuse Kit 238 times 0
9 Domination (4 kills) 184 times 552
10 Domination 178 times 890
11 Defuse the Bomb 150 times 1,500
12 Rampage (5 kills) 61 times 244
13 Revenge 49 times 147
14 Touch a Hostage 16 times 0
15 Start Defusing the Bomb Without a Defuse Kit 15 times 0
16 Mega Kill (6 kills) 10 times 50
17 Rescue a Hostage 6 times 30
18 Ownage (7 kills) 3 times 18
19 Ultra Kill (8 kills) 1 times 7

Victims of Player-Player Actions *

Rank Action Earned Against   Accumulated Points
1 Domination 116 times -580
2 Revenge 80 times -240

Team Selection *

Rank Team Joined   % Ratio
1 Terrorist 1,029 times 26.89%
2 Counter-Terrorist 1,015 times 26.52%
3 Spectator 820 times 21.43%

Weapon Usage *

Rank Weapon Modifier Kills   % Ratio Headshots % Ratio HS:K
Kalashnikov AK-47
1.00 4,981 51.86% 2,908 57.14% 0.58
Colt M4A1 Carbine
1.00 3,802 39.59% 1,829 35.94% 0.48
Desert Eagle .50AE
1.20 513 5.34% 276 5.42% 0.54
High Explosive Grenade
1.80 155 1.61% 0 0.00% 0.00
H&K USP .45 Tactical
1.40 98 1.02% 65 1.28% 0.66
Bundeswehr Advanced Combat Knife
2.00 31 0.32% 2 0.04% 0.06
Glock 18 Select Fire
1.40 16 0.17% 5 0.10% 0.31
Steyr Scout
1.10 3 0.03% 1 0.02% 0.33
Sig Sauer SG-552 Commando
1.00 1 0.01% 1 0.02% 1.00
FN P90
1.20 1 0.01% 0 0.00% 0.00
Sig Sauer P-228
1.50 1 0.01% 1 0.02% 1.00
Benelli M3 Super 90 Combat
1.20 1 0.01% 1 0.02% 1.00
Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police)
1.00 1 0.01% 0 0.00% 0.00

Weapon Statistics *

Rank Weapon Shots Hits Damage Headshots Kills   K:D Accuracy Damage per Hit Shots per Kill
Kalashnikov AK-47
70,658 15,264 648,395 2,998 5,100 10.6918 21.6% 42.5 13.9
Colt M4A1 Carbine
68,243 15,092 507,028 1,926 3,945 39.8485 22.1% 33.6 17.3
Desert Eagle .50AE
4,447 1,328 82,848 285 519 2.7606 29.9% 62.4 8.6
H&K USP .45 Tactical
1,803 586 14,657 66 99 12.3750 32.5% 25.0 18.2
Bundeswehr Advanced Combat Knife
168 87 2,954 2 26 6.5000 51.8% 34.0 6.5
Glock 18 Select Fire
398 110 2,714 7 18 18.0000 27.6% 24.7 22.1
Steyr Scout
34 10 666 1 3 3.0000 29.4% 66.6 11.3
Sig Sauer SG-552 Commando
33 9 260 1 1 1.0000 27.3% 28.9 33.0
FN P90
13 3 54 0 1 1.0000 23.1% 18.0 13.0
Sig Sauer P-228
7 2 181 1 1 1.0000 28.6% 90.5 7.0
Benelli M3 Super 90 Combat
2 2 92 1 1 1.0000 100.0% 46.0 2.0
Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police)
8 2 159 0 1 1.0000 25.0% 79.5 8.0
2 1 1 0 0 0.0000 50.0% 1.0 0.0
Fusil Automatique
40 4 75 0 0 0.0000 10.0% 18.8 0.0
Steyr Aug
9 0 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0% 0.0 0.0

Weapon Targets *

Rank Weapon Hits   Head Chest Stomach Left Arm Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg Left Middle Right
Kalashnikov AK-47
15,263 3,197 4,581 1,841 3,174 1,144 741 585 25.7% 63.0% 11.3%
Colt M4A1 Carbine
15,092 3,085 5,220 1,634 2,936 1,026 619 572 23.6% 65.9% 10.6%
Desert Eagle .50AE
1,328 306 387 133 295 129 37 41 25.0% 62.2% 12.8%
H&K USP .45 Tactical
586 148 197 53 121 49 12 6 22.7% 67.9% 9.4%
Glock 18 Select Fire
110 33 36 7 26 4 1 3 24.5% 69.1% 6.4%
Bundeswehr Advanced Combat Knife
35 9 5 9 7 2 2 1 25.7% 65.7% 8.6%
Steyr Scout
10 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 20.0% 60.0% 20.0%
Sig Sauer SG-552 Commando
9 2 3 1 3 0 0 0 33.3% 66.7% 0.0%
Fusil Automatique
4 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 50.0% 50.0% 0.0%
FN P90
3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
Sig Sauer P-228
2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 50.0% 50.0% 0.0%
Benelli M3 Super 90 Combat
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police)
2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 50.0% 0.0% 50.0%
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%

Map Performance *

Rank Map Kills % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D   Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1 de_karachi 4 0.04% 0 0.00% 4.00 3 0.06% 0.75
2 cs_isku 9 0.09% 3 0.04% 3.00 3 0.06% 0.33
3 de_arabianvillage-v2 9 0.09% 3 0.04% 3.00 3 0.06% 0.33
4 cs_central 6 0.06% 2 0.02% 3.00 5 0.10% 0.83
5 de_alberta 6 0.06% 2 0.02% 3.00 2 0.04% 0.33
6 de_damage 3 0.03% 1 0.01% 3.00 0 0.00% 0.00
7 de_kowloon 3 0.03% 0 0.00% 3.00 1 0.02% 0.33
8 de_crossfire 14 0.15% 5 0.06% 2.80 8 0.16% 0.57
9 de_candybar 10 0.10% 4 0.05% 2.50 2 0.04% 0.20
10 de_dust2_unlimited 5 0.05% 2 0.02% 2.50 3 0.06% 0.60
11 de_forgottensands_pro 4 0.04% 2 0.02% 2.00 2 0.04% 0.50
12 de_stronghold 23 0.24% 12 0.14% 1.92 10 0.20% 0.43
13 de_deltacity 15 0.16% 8 0.10% 1.88 7 0.14% 0.47
14 de_3mc_training 15 0.16% 8 0.10% 1.88 10 0.20% 0.67
15 de_apehouse 20 0.21% 11 0.13% 1.82 14 0.28% 0.70
16 de_dreamvillage 9 0.09% 5 0.06% 1.80 4 0.08% 0.44
17 de_bahrain_beta 23 0.24% 13 0.15% 1.77 10 0.20% 0.43
18 de_pyramid_css 52 0.54% 30 0.36% 1.73 37 0.73% 0.71
19 de_cache_csgo 19 0.20% 11 0.13% 1.73 10 0.20% 0.53
20 de_fend 25 0.26% 15 0.18% 1.67 15 0.29% 0.60
21 cs_italy_tactik3_oldies 10 0.10% 6 0.07% 1.67 6 0.12% 0.60
22 de_russka_fixed 10 0.10% 6 0.07% 1.67 6 0.12% 0.60
23 de_cpl_strike_v2 18 0.19% 11 0.13% 1.64 9 0.18% 0.50
24 de_acre 32 0.33% 20 0.24% 1.60 14 0.28% 0.44
25 de_cache 62 0.65% 39 0.46% 1.59 31 0.61% 0.50

Server Activity *

Rank Server Kills   % Ratio Deaths K:D Headshots Percentage of Headshots % HS:K
1 [XL] Oldies || No Pro || No AWP || 9,604 100.00% 8,393 1.1443 5,089 100.00% 0.5299

Player Kill Statistics *

Rank Victim Kills   % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1  GermanyAeonflux 253 2.63% 176 2.10% 1.44 121 2.64% 0.48
2  United kingdomJordan 108 1.12% 50 0.60% 2.16 51 1.11% 0.47
3  Bulgariamandarin© 97 1.01% 57 0.68% 1.70 53 1.16% 0.55
4  Germany[XL] Oldie - Dellmuth 88 0.92% 122 1.45% 0.72 55 1.20% 0.63
5  GermanyMIGUEL 84 0.87% 92 1.10% 0.91 48 1.05% 0.57
6  GermanyBluthund ( 7 ) 81 0.84% 87 1.04% 0.93 40 0.87% 0.49
7  Thailand[XL] Oldie HO<>LY 81 0.84% 49 0.58% 1.65 57 1.24% 0.70
8  Bulgariadeta 79 0.82% 93 1.11% 0.85 43 0.94% 0.54
9  SwitzerlandMullekular 77 0.80% 85 1.01% 0.91 38 0.83% 0.49
10  IrelandPepper Sauce 77 0.80% 54 0.64% 1.43 28 0.61% 0.36
11  GermanypabloO 76 0.79% 73 0.87% 1.04 39 0.85% 0.51
12  Germanyx2eaL [B.O.K.] 74 0.77% 71 0.85% 1.04 43 0.94% 0.58
13  RussiaWild 73 0.76% 57 0.68% 1.28 40 0.87% 0.55
14  EgyptDark Crypt 71 0.74% 47 0.56% 1.51 48 1.05% 0.68
15  DenmarkBobo.DK 71 0.74% 28 0.33% 2.54 38 0.83% 0.54
16  GermanyEisdieler 68 0.71% 42 0.50% 1.62 38 0.83% 0.56
17  Germany]λτ™[-=SOK=-ThePinky 67 0.70% 68 0.81% 0.99 32 0.70% 0.48
18  Germany-=]Earthship[=-Andi ☂ (6) 67 0.70% 66 0.79% 1.02 33 0.72% 0.49
19  GermanyPetelin 65 0.68% 39 0.46% 1.67 27 0.59% 0.42
20  GermanyTotalschaden/Mute 62 0.65% 39 0.46% 1.59 32 0.70% 0.52
21  GermanyLabi Noti 62 0.65% 36 0.43% 1.72 31 0.68% 0.50
22  Germany-FIGHTER- 62 0.65% 35 0.42% 1.77 39 0.85% 0.63
23  GermanyTerminator 61 0.64% 34 0.41% 1.79 29 0.63% 0.48
24  RomaniaWeeD 60 0.62% 28 0.33% 2.14 25 0.55% 0.42
25  Germany☆BVB CHILLER 67☆(4) 59 0.61% 62 0.74% 0.95 34 0.74% 0.58
26  Austriacustom 59 0.61% 60 0.71% 0.98 30 0.65% 0.51
27  GermanyO-Ren Ishii 55 0.57% 56 0.67% 0.98 30 0.65% 0.55
28  Germany★ Zauberfee ★ 54 0.56% 59 0.70% 0.92 33 0.72% 0.61
29  BulgariaDangerous Dave 54 0.56% 41 0.49% 1.32 26 0.57% 0.48
30  GermanyPapa Mulder 53 0.55% 38 0.45% 1.39 26 0.57% 0.49
31  Germanyebbe404 52 0.54% 64 0.76% 0.81 26 0.57% 0.50
32  GermanyStyl3r 52 0.54% 46 0.55% 1.13 20 0.44% 0.38
33  GermanyBelloco 52 0.54% 37 0.44% 1.41 26 0.57% 0.50
34  Germany]λτ™[ Jimboo z++ 51 0.53% 54 0.64% 0.94 24 0.52% 0.47
35  Czechiadogs_dog 51 0.53% 22 0.26% 2.32 29 0.63% 0.57
36  Germanyschdruggl 50 0.52% 64 0.76% 0.78 29 0.63% 0.58
37  BelgiumBenjamin 50 0.52% 54 0.64% 0.93 25 0.55% 0.50
38  Germanyeimingh ohne aiming 47 0.49% 45 0.54% 1.04 20 0.44% 0.43
39  GermanyPapaschlumpf nosound 47 0.49% 26 0.31% 1.81 25 0.55% 0.53
40  Germany☆CHILLER'S LADY☆ ( 4 ) 46 0.48% 21 0.25% 2.19 25 0.55% 0.54
41  Germanyツ MeIsTeR ツ 45 0.47% 31 0.37% 1.45 23 0.50% 0.51
42  Germanybemske 45 0.47% 19 0.23% 2.37 30 0.65% 0.67
43  Denmarkmasterdk 44 0.46% 50 0.60% 0.88 23 0.50% 0.52
44  GermanyPHASE 44 0.46% 34 0.41% 1.29 23 0.50% 0.52
45  GermanyAntiHeld 43 0.45% 37 0.44% 1.16 28 0.61% 0.65
46  Germanybengel 42 0.44% 53 0.63% 0.79 20 0.44% 0.48
47  GermanyZeuge Kalaschnikova´s 42 0.44% 35 0.42% 1.20 25 0.55% 0.60
48  GermanyStealth 42 0.44% 34 0.41% 1.24 25 0.55% 0.60
49  DenmarkwarPhiz 41 0.43% 46 0.55% 0.89 25 0.55% 0.61
50  GermanyTuЯbo[66]Schlingel 40 0.42% 47 0.56% 0.85 19 0.41% 0.48