Player Information for ToraBora

Player Profile

Steam Community Avatar
Germany ToraBora
Location: Berlin, Germany
Steam: STEAM_0:1:8403064
Status: Offline
Click here to add as friend
Karma: In good standing
Member of Clan: (None)
Real Name: (Not Specified)
E-mail Address: (Not Specified)
Home Page: (Not Specified)
MM Rank: rank
Last Connect:* Thu. Mar. 27th, 2025 @ 17:31:13
Total Connection Time: 2d 18:58:09h
Average Ping:* 49 ms (Latency: 25 ms)
Favorite Server:* [XL] Oldies || No Pro || No AWP ||
Favorite Map:* de_desert_atrocity_v3
Favorite Weapon:* Kalashnikov AK-47

Statistics Summary

Activity: 87%
Points: 20,611
Rank: 266
Kills per Minute: 0.48
Kills per Death: 0.8630 (0.86*)
Headshots per Kill: 0.3075 (0.3024*)
Shots per Kill: 31.99
Weapon Accuracy: 14.4% (14%*)
Headshots: 587 (519*)
Kills: 1,909 (1,716*)
Deaths: 2,212 (1,984*)
Longest Kill Streak: 7
Longest Death Streak: 9
Suicides: 0
Teammate Kills: 60 (58*)

Player Rank

First Lieutenant

Current rank: First Lieutenant

Next rank: 91 kills (55%)

Player Trend

Player Trend Graph

Forum Signature

forum sig image
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Sharpshooter Connection Time 50 Hours Supreme AK47 Supreme Steyr Aug Supreme AWP Sniper Supreme Desert Eagle Supreme Bomb Defuser Supreme Dual Beretta Elites Award of Famas Supreme Five-Seven Award of G3 SG1 Supreme Galil Supreme Glock Supreme Headshots Supreme HE Grenades Supreme Hostage Killer Supreme Combat Knife Supreme Lowpinger Supreme M249 Para Supreme M3 Shotgun Supreme Colt M4A1 Supreme MAC 10 Supreme Most Kills Supreme MP5 Navy Supreme Sig P228 Supreme P90 Supreme Bomb Planter Supreme Hostage Rescuer Supreme Scout Elite Supreme SG 550 Supreme SG 552 Supreme Suicides Award of Team Kills Supreme TMP Supreme UMP 45 Supreme USP Supreme XM Shotgun

Global Awards

G3 SG1

Player Actions *

Rank Action Earned   Accumulated Points
1 Headshot 534 times 534
2 Double Kill (2 kills) 296 times 296
3 Pick up the Bomb 143 times 286
4 Triple Kill (3 kills) 71 times 142
5 Drop the Bomb 71 times -142
6 Round MVP 61 times 0
7 Plant the Bomb 54 times 540
8 Start Defusing the Bomb With a Defuse Kit 35 times 0
9 Domination (4 kills) 25 times 75
10 Defuse the Bomb 18 times 180
11 Domination 10 times 50
12 Revenge 4 times 12
13 Rampage (5 kills) 4 times 16
14 Ownage (7 kills) 1 times 6
15 Mega Kill (6 kills) 1 times 5

Victims of Player-Player Actions *


Team Selection *

Rank Team Joined   % Ratio
1 Counter-Terrorist 214 times 27.33%
2 Terrorist 207 times 26.44%
3 Spectator 189 times 24.14%

Weapon Usage *

Rank Weapon Modifier Kills   % Ratio Headshots % Ratio HS:K
Kalashnikov AK-47
1.00 483 28.15% 163 31.41% 0.34
Colt M4A1 Carbine
1.00 343 19.99% 103 19.85% 0.30
FN P90
1.20 291 16.96% 88 16.96% 0.30
M249 PARA Light Machine Gun
1.20 229 13.34% 64 12.33% 0.28
Sig Sauer SG-552 Commando
1.00 130 7.58% 43 8.29% 0.33
High Explosive Grenade
1.80 78 4.55% 0 0.00% 0.00
Desert Eagle .50AE
1.20 43 2.51% 21 4.05% 0.49
H&K G3/SG1 Sniper Rifle
0.80 32 1.86% 5 0.96% 0.16
Sig Sauer P-228
1.50 30 1.75% 10 1.93% 0.33
Steyr Aug
1.00 23 1.34% 10 1.93% 0.43
H&K USP .45 Tactical
1.40 7 0.41% 2 0.39% 0.29
Bundeswehr Advanced Combat Knife
2.00 7 0.41% 1 0.19% 0.14
Steyr Scout
1.10 6 0.35% 5 0.96% 0.83
Glock 18 Select Fire
1.40 4 0.23% 2 0.39% 0.50
Dual Beretta 96G Elite
1.40 4 0.23% 1 0.19% 0.25
Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol
1.50 2 0.12% 1 0.19% 0.50
Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police)
1.00 2 0.12% 0 0.00% 0.00
1.20 1 0.06% 0 0.00% 0.00

Weapon Statistics *

Rank Weapon Shots Hits Damage Headshots Kills   K:D Accuracy Damage per Hit Shots per Kill
Kalashnikov AK-47
13,309 1,913 61,580 164 484 5.9024 14.4% 32.2 27.5
Colt M4A1 Carbine
10,836 1,623 42,204 106 348 18.3158 15.0% 26.0 31.1
FN P90
10,651 1,664 35,353 91 294 13.3636 15.6% 21.2 36.2
M249 PARA Light Machine Gun
9,719 969 28,212 65 234 23.4000 10.0% 29.1 41.5
Sig Sauer SG-552 Commando
4,509 670 17,415 44 130 130.0000 14.9% 26.0 34.7
Desert Eagle .50AE
790 132 6,889 21 43 2.8667 16.7% 52.2 18.4
H&K G3/SG1 Sniper Rifle
510 75 5,403 6 33 33.0000 14.7% 72.0 15.5
Sig Sauer P-228
876 170 5,545 11 31 6.2000 19.4% 32.6 28.3
Steyr Aug
980 135 3,604 10 23 23.0000 13.8% 26.7 42.6
H&K USP .45 Tactical
179 52 986 2 7 7.0000 29.1% 19.0 25.6
Bundeswehr Advanced Combat Knife
199 26 862 1 7 1.7500 13.1% 33.2 28.4
Steyr Scout
22 10 1,495 5 6 6.0000 45.5% 149.5 3.7
Dual Beretta 96G Elite
182 33 868 2 5 5.0000 18.1% 26.3 36.4
Glock 18 Select Fire
67 34 700 2 4 4.0000 50.7% 20.6 16.8
Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol
59 10 222 1 2 2.0000 16.9% 22.2 29.5
Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police)
10 2 223 0 2 2.0000 20.0% 111.5 5.0
13 4 86 0 1 1.0000 30.8% 21.5 13.0
Sig SG-550 Sniper
1 0 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0% 0.0 0.0
FN Five-Seven
7 0 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0% 0.0 0.0

Weapon Targets *

Rank Weapon Hits   Head Chest Stomach Left Arm Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg Left Middle Right
Kalashnikov AK-47
1,913 194 473 373 371 154 184 164 29.0% 54.4% 16.6%
FN P90
1,664 170 517 265 287 147 150 128 26.3% 57.2% 16.5%
Colt M4A1 Carbine
1,623 167 425 267 306 111 181 166 30.0% 52.9% 17.1%
M249 PARA Light Machine Gun
969 80 241 170 179 72 124 103 31.3% 50.7% 18.1%
Sig Sauer SG-552 Commando
670 81 180 116 124 54 57 58 27.0% 56.3% 16.7%
Sig Sauer P-228
170 13 52 36 32 14 9 14 24.1% 59.4% 16.5%
Steyr Aug
135 25 36 16 30 6 16 6 34.1% 57.0% 8.9%
Desert Eagle .50AE
132 23 39 27 18 12 7 6 18.9% 67.4% 13.6%
H&K G3/SG1 Sniper Rifle
75 6 22 21 13 4 8 1 28.0% 65.3% 6.7%
H&K USP .45 Tactical
52 6 16 6 12 7 2 3 26.9% 53.8% 19.2%
Glock 18 Select Fire
34 9 9 6 6 3 0 1 17.6% 70.6% 11.8%
Dual Beretta 96G Elite
33 3 9 11 7 0 1 2 24.2% 69.7% 6.1%
Bundeswehr Advanced Combat Knife
15 7 2 3 0 1 0 2 0.0% 80.0% 20.0%
Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol
10 1 3 1 1 2 0 2 10.0% 50.0% 40.0%
Steyr Scout
10 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
4 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 25.0% 50.0% 25.0%
Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police)
2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 50.0% 50.0% 0.0%

Map Performance *

Rank Map Kills % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D   Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1 cs_beirut2_65 4 0.23% 1 0.05% 4.00 2 0.39% 0.50
2 de_eldorado_v2 6 0.35% 2 0.10% 3.00 0 0.00% 0.00
3 de_inferno 2 0.12% 1 0.05% 2.00 0 0.00% 0.00
4 de_kismayo 33 1.92% 19 0.96% 1.74 9 1.73% 0.27
5 de_rail_v03 3 0.17% 2 0.10% 1.50 1 0.19% 0.33
6 de_museum_beta1 22 1.28% 15 0.76% 1.47 6 1.16% 0.27
7 de_final_solution 19 1.11% 13 0.66% 1.46 8 1.54% 0.42
8 fy_pool_day_reloaded 23 1.34% 16 0.81% 1.44 3 0.58% 0.13
9 de_second_strike 19 1.11% 14 0.71% 1.36 8 1.54% 0.42
10 cs_office_unlimited_oldie 20 1.17% 15 0.76% 1.33 6 1.16% 0.30
11 de_dust2_ice 16 0.93% 12 0.60% 1.33 2 0.39% 0.13
12 de_salt2 27 1.57% 23 1.16% 1.17 2 0.39% 0.07
13 de_rimini_lite 18 1.05% 16 0.81% 1.13 4 0.77% 0.22
14 de_desert_atrocity_v3 155 9.03% 141 7.11% 1.10 46 8.86% 0.30
15 de_telakka_v2k 33 1.92% 30 1.51% 1.10 11 2.12% 0.33
16 knas_sandland2_oldies 48 2.80% 44 2.22% 1.09 12 2.31% 0.25
17 de_contra 13 0.76% 12 0.60% 1.08 4 0.77% 0.31
18 de_lennon 16 0.93% 15 0.76% 1.07 6 1.16% 0.38
19 de_alexandra_pro 31 1.81% 30 1.51% 1.03 13 2.50% 0.42
20 de_dust2 30 1.75% 29 1.46% 1.03 3 0.58% 0.10
21 de_frost 55 3.21% 54 2.72% 1.02 10 1.93% 0.18
22 de_slummi 34 1.98% 34 1.71% 1.00 15 2.89% 0.44
23 de_syksy 28 1.63% 28 1.41% 1.00 10 1.93% 0.36
24 de_highhouse 20 1.17% 20 1.01% 1.00 4 0.77% 0.20
25 de_dust2_village 16 0.93% 16 0.81% 1.00 4 0.77% 0.25

Server Activity *

Rank Server Kills   % Ratio Deaths K:D Headshots Percentage of Headshots % HS:K
1 [XL] Oldies || No Pro || No AWP || 1,716 100.00% 1,984 0.8649 519 100.00% 0.3024

Player Kill Statistics *

Rank Victim Kills   % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1  Germany]λτ™[ Jimboo z++ 26 1.52% 47 2.37% 0.55 7 2.03% 0.27
2  SwitzerlandIch putze hier nur so 25 1.46% 23 1.16% 1.09 11 3.20% 0.44
3  Germany]λτ™[-=SOK=-ThePinky 23 1.34% 20 1.01% 1.15 9 2.62% 0.39
4  Polandcoconot 22 1.28% 37 1.86% 0.59 5 1.45% 0.23
5  GermanyRocco...[kommt gerne von hinten 22 1.28% 23 1.16% 0.96 5 1.45% 0.23
6  Switzerlanderay 21 1.22% 17 0.86% 1.24 5 1.45% 0.24
7  GermanyEisdieler 21 1.22% 16 0.81% 1.31 7 2.03% 0.33
8  GermanyMr.Nitrox 21 1.22% 9 0.45% 2.33 11 3.20% 0.52
9  Germanyeimingh ohne aiming 20 1.17% 37 1.86% 0.54 11 3.20% 0.55
10  Germany★ Zauberfee ★ 20 1.17% 14 0.71% 1.43 2 0.58% 0.10
11  The netherlandsVitamin B52 20 1.17% 9 0.45% 2.22 5 1.45% 0.25
12  Germanyebbe404 19 1.11% 23 1.16% 0.83 2 0.58% 0.11
13  United kingdomSigSigSmash 19 1.11% 21 1.06% 0.90 5 1.45% 0.26
14  Germanyginomereu 18 1.05% 5 0.25% 3.60 4 1.16% 0.22
15  Bulgariadeta 17 0.99% 33 1.66% 0.52 7 2.03% 0.41
16  United kingdomB!tch Slapped *^_^* 16 0.93% 12 0.60% 1.33 6 1.74% 0.38
17  AustriaBAtheRipper® 16 0.93% 10 0.50% 1.60 3 0.87% 0.19
18  Germany▬|♛ฟ0dķã♛|▬ 15 0.87% 17 0.86% 0.88 3 0.87% 0.20
19  Austria<Kamikatze> 15 0.87% 17 0.86% 0.88 6 1.74% 0.40
20  AustriaTreff nix Lady Flashy^^ 15 0.87% 15 0.76% 1.00 7 2.03% 0.47
21  GermanySonnyCrockettIsMyPapa 14 0.82% 13 0.66% 1.08 4 1.16% 0.29
22  GermanyStealth 13 0.76% 13 0.66% 1.00 7 2.03% 0.54
23  United kingdomJordan 13 0.76% 12 0.60% 1.08 5 1.45% 0.38
24  BelgiumNicky Larson [City Hunter] 12 0.70% 18 0.91% 0.67 2 0.58% 0.17
25 12 0.70% 15 0.76% 0.80 3 0.87% 0.25
26  Germany˛ˆZizouuˆ˛ 12 0.70% 13 0.66% 0.92 3 0.87% 0.25
27  GermanysuB 12 0.70% 13 0.66% 0.92 3 0.87% 0.25
28  Germany-FIGHTER- 12 0.70% 10 0.50% 1.20 5 1.45% 0.42
29  IrelandPepper Sauce 12 0.70% 6 0.30% 2.00 3 0.87% 0.25
30  Germanyx2eaL [B.O.K.] 11 0.64% 23 1.16% 0.48 4 1.16% 0.36
31  FranceGab! 11 0.64% 11 0.55% 1.00 3 0.87% 0.27
32  GermanyTommy ( 8 ) 11 0.64% 10 0.50% 1.10 2 0.58% 0.18
33  BelgiumBenjamin 11 0.64% 10 0.50% 1.10 3 0.87% 0.27
34  Germany๖ۣۜ©ļðŵŊfα©ε 11 0.64% 9 0.45% 1.22 6 1.74% 0.55
35  GermanyDas kleine Übel 11 0.64% 7 0.35% 1.57 4 1.16% 0.36
36  GermanyAggressiver Raucher (7) 11 0.64% 4 0.20% 2.75 1 0.29% 0.09
37  GermanyRebell 10 0.58% 17 0.86% 0.59 4 1.16% 0.40
38  GermanyOstbekanntschaft ..^^.. (4) 10 0.58% 12 0.60% 0.83 5 1.45% 0.50
39  Bulgariamandarin© 10 0.58% 12 0.60% 0.83 0 0.00% 0.00
40  GermanyM A N I A 10 0.58% 6 0.30% 1.67 5 1.45% 0.50
41  United kingdomMutant 10 0.58% 6 0.30% 1.67 5 1.45% 0.50
42  Austria[AUT]reD_Star 10 0.58% 3 0.15% 3.33 3 0.87% 0.30
43  GermanyƑⱤƷƸ .:music:. 9 0.52% 11 0.55% 0.82 4 1.16% 0.44
44  ItalyScottiePipppens 9 0.52% 9 0.45% 1.00 2 0.58% 0.22
45  GermanyNiko Bastard 9 0.52% 5 0.25% 1.80 2 0.58% 0.22
46  Germanyfr33styler 8 0.47% 14 0.71% 0.57 5 1.45% 0.63
47  GermanyOger 8 0.47% 13 0.66% 0.62 1 0.29% 0.13
48  GermanyAntiHeld 8 0.47% 12 0.60% 0.67 3 0.87% 0.38
49  GermanyG@j0 @ b00n 8 0.47% 12 0.60% 0.67 2 0.58% 0.25
50  GermanyKBHSV 8 0.47% 11 0.55% 0.73 2 0.58% 0.25