Player Information for Netlor

Player Profile

Steam Community Avatar
France Netlor
Location: Paris, France
Steam: STEAM_0:0:4912647
Status: Offline
Click here to add as friend
Karma: In good standing
Member of Clan: (None)
Real Name: (Not Specified)
E-mail Address: (Not Specified)
Home Page: (Not Specified)
MM Rank: rank
Last Connect:* Mon. Mar. 31st, 2025 @ 17:03:08
Total Connection Time: 3d 15:03:21h
Average Ping:* 55 ms (Latency: 28 ms)
Favorite Server:* [XL] Oldies || No Pro || No AWP ||
Favorite Map:* de_westwood_07_fixed
Favorite Weapon:* Kalashnikov AK-47

Statistics Summary

Activity: 100%
Points: 25,020
Rank: 203
Kills per Minute: 0.60
Kills per Death: 1.0016 (1.00*)
Headshots per Kill: 0.5503 (0.5451*)
Shots per Kill: 19.58
Weapon Accuracy: 21.7% (21%*)
Headshots: 1,723 (1,281*)
Kills: 3,131 (2,350*)
Deaths: 3,126 (2,350*)
Longest Kill Streak: 6
Longest Death Streak: 9
Suicides: 0
Teammate Kills: 42 (31*)

Player Rank


Current rank: Major

Next rank: 369 kills (26%)

Player Trend

Player Trend Graph

Forum Signature

forum sig image
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Sharpshooter Connection Time 75 Hours Supreme AK47 Supreme Steyr Aug Supreme AWP Sniper Supreme Desert Eagle Supreme Bomb Defuser Award of Dual Beretta Elites Award of Famas Award of Five-Seven Supreme G3 SG1 Supreme Galil Supreme Glock Supreme Headshots Supreme HE Grenades Supreme Hostage Killer Supreme Combat Knife Supreme Lowpinger Supreme M249 Para Award of M3 Shotgun Supreme Colt M4A1 Supreme MAC 10 Supreme Most Kills Supreme MP5 Navy Supreme Sig P228 Supreme P90 Supreme Bomb Planter Supreme Hostage Rescuer Supreme Scout Elite Supreme SG 550 Supreme SG 552 Supreme Suicides Supreme Team Kills Supreme TMP Supreme UMP 45 Supreme USP Supreme XM Shotgun

Global Awards

Player Actions *

Rank Action Earned   Accumulated Points
1 Headshot 1,297 times 1,297
2 Double Kill (2 kills) 382 times 382
3 Pick up the Bomb 186 times 372
4 Triple Kill (3 kills) 146 times 292
5 Round MVP 116 times 0
6 Drop the Bomb 87 times -174
7 Plant the Bomb 64 times 640
8 Domination (4 kills) 42 times 126
9 Start Defusing the Bomb With a Defuse Kit 25 times 0
10 Rampage (5 kills) 17 times 68
11 Domination 14 times 70
12 Defuse the Bomb 11 times 110
13 Mega Kill (6 kills) 6 times 30
14 Touch a Hostage 4 times 0
15 Start Defusing the Bomb Without a Defuse Kit 3 times 0
16 Revenge 3 times 9
17 Kill a Hostage 1 times -15

Victims of Player-Player Actions *

Rank Action Earned Against   Accumulated Points
1 Domination 23 times -115
2 Revenge 5 times -15

Team Selection *

Rank Team Joined   % Ratio
1 Terrorist 299 times 29.37%
2 Counter-Terrorist 293 times 28.78%
3 Spectator 180 times 17.68%

Weapon Usage *

Rank Weapon Modifier Kills   % Ratio Headshots % Ratio HS:K
Colt M4A1 Carbine
1.00 1,040 44.26% 553 43.17% 0.53
Kalashnikov AK-47
1.00 877 37.32% 556 43.40% 0.63
Dual Beretta 96G Elite
1.40 90 3.83% 41 3.20% 0.46
Desert Eagle .50AE
1.20 76 3.23% 20 1.56% 0.26
Benelli M3 Super 90 Combat
1.20 70 2.98% 31 2.42% 0.44
FN Five-Seven
1.50 57 2.43% 26 2.03% 0.46
H&K USP .45 Tactical
1.40 42 1.79% 24 1.87% 0.57
Steyr Scout
1.10 17 0.72% 8 0.62% 0.47
High Explosive Grenade
1.80 16 0.68% 0 0.00% 0.00
Steyr Aug
1.00 16 0.68% 8 0.62% 0.50
Bundeswehr Advanced Combat Knife
2.00 15 0.64% 0 0.00% 0.00
Sig Sauer SG-552 Commando
1.00 12 0.51% 2 0.16% 0.17
Glock 18 Select Fire
1.40 10 0.43% 6 0.47% 0.60
Benelli/H&K M4 Super 90 XM1014
1.10 5 0.21% 2 0.16% 0.40
FN P90
1.20 3 0.13% 1 0.08% 0.33
Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol
1.50 2 0.09% 2 0.16% 1.00
Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police)
1.00 1 0.04% 0 0.00% 0.00

Weapon Statistics *

Rank Weapon Shots Hits Damage Headshots Kills   K:D Accuracy Damage per Hit Shots per Kill
Colt M4A1 Carbine
22,152 4,401 143,760 556 1,048 29.9429 19.9% 32.7 21.1
Kalashnikov AK-47
17,771 3,027 123,548 557 875 16.2037 17.0% 40.8 20.3
Dual Beretta 96G Elite
1,135 268 12,715 41 90 90.0000 23.6% 47.4 12.6
Desert Eagle .50AE
822 206 9,111 21 77 3.3478 25.1% 44.2 10.7
Benelli M3 Super 90 Combat
291 654 9,144 32 71 71.0000 224.7% 14.0 4.1
FN Five-Seven
1,021 280 7,901 28 59 59.0000 27.4% 28.2 17.3
H&K USP .45 Tactical
1,294 333 6,291 24 42 8.4000 25.7% 18.9 30.8
Steyr Scout
63 33 3,164 7 16 8.0000 52.4% 95.9 3.9
Bundeswehr Advanced Combat Knife
318 78 2,126 0 15 3.0000 24.5% 27.3 21.2
Steyr Aug
304 79 2,148 7 15 15.0000 26.0% 27.2 20.3
Sig Sauer SG-552 Commando
176 55 1,259 2 12 12.0000 31.3% 22.9 14.7
Glock 18 Select Fire
220 64 1,313 6 9 9.0000 29.1% 20.5 24.4
Benelli/H&K M4 Super 90 XM1014
18 31 630 2 5 2.5000 172.2% 20.3 3.6
FN P90
107 12 521 1 3 1.0000 11.2% 43.4 35.7
Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol
29 5 232 2 2 2.0000 17.2% 46.4 14.5
Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police)
8 1 27 0 1 0.3333 12.5% 27.0 8.0
Sig SG-550 Sniper
3 0 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0% 0.0 0.0
H&K MP5-Navy
71 1 22 0 0 0.0000 1.4% 22.0 0.0
H&K G3/SG1 Sniper Rifle
6 3 143 0 0 0.0000 50.0% 47.7 0.0

Weapon Targets *

Rank Weapon Hits   Head Chest Stomach Left Arm Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg Left Middle Right
Colt M4A1 Carbine
4,401 829 1,472 503 779 330 253 235 23.4% 63.7% 12.8%
Kalashnikov AK-47
3,027 632 922 397 547 235 159 135 23.3% 64.5% 12.2%
Benelli M3 Super 90 Combat
654 95 241 68 135 84 19 12 23.5% 61.8% 14.7%
H&K USP .45 Tactical
333 56 106 44 61 24 26 16 26.1% 61.9% 12.0%
FN Five-Seven
280 44 80 39 44 30 28 15 25.7% 58.2% 16.1%
Dual Beretta 96G Elite
268 42 77 55 41 21 17 15 21.6% 64.9% 13.4%
Desert Eagle .50AE
206 25 65 26 41 27 13 9 26.2% 56.3% 17.5%
Steyr Aug
79 12 23 14 16 7 5 2 26.6% 62.0% 11.4%
Glock 18 Select Fire
64 17 20 3 12 9 1 2 20.3% 62.5% 17.2%
Sig Sauer SG-552 Commando
55 3 19 10 9 3 8 3 30.9% 58.2% 10.9%
Bundeswehr Advanced Combat Knife
47 10 10 6 9 7 1 4 21.3% 55.3% 23.4%
Steyr Scout
33 7 14 3 6 3 0 0 18.2% 72.7% 9.1%
Benelli/H&K M4 Super 90 XM1014
31 3 15 1 3 2 3 4 19.4% 61.3% 19.4%
FN P90
12 5 1 2 1 2 0 1 8.3% 66.7% 25.0%
Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol
5 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 20.0% 80.0% 0.0%
H&K G3/SG1 Sniper Rifle
3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 66.7% 33.3% 0.0%
H&K MP5-Navy
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police)
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%

Map Performance *

Rank Map Kills % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D   Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1 de_deadblock 14 0.60% 4 0.17% 3.50 6 0.47% 0.43
2 de_zanza 12 0.51% 4 0.17% 3.00 7 0.55% 0.58
3 de_satellite_cf_new 3 0.13% 1 0.04% 3.00 2 0.16% 0.67
4 cs_harborbank 5 0.21% 2 0.09% 2.50 2 0.16% 0.40
5 de_toxin_50 5 0.21% 2 0.09% 2.50 3 0.23% 0.60
6 de_hairyhouse_b1 2 0.09% 1 0.04% 2.00 1 0.08% 0.50
7 aim_deagle7k 27 1.15% 14 0.60% 1.93 9 0.70% 0.33
8 de_chateau 19 0.81% 10 0.43% 1.90 10 0.78% 0.53
9 de_newankara 28 1.19% 15 0.64% 1.87 14 1.09% 0.50
10 de_blitz_ukcs 18 0.77% 10 0.43% 1.80 8 0.62% 0.44
11 de_spezia_clipfix 14 0.60% 8 0.34% 1.75 7 0.55% 0.50
12 de_california 15 0.64% 9 0.38% 1.67 7 0.55% 0.47
13 de_florence 13 0.55% 8 0.34% 1.63 8 0.62% 0.62
14 de_abyss 16 0.68% 10 0.43% 1.60 8 0.62% 0.50
15 de_gristmill 22 0.94% 14 0.60% 1.57 14 1.09% 0.64
16 de_severance 11 0.47% 7 0.30% 1.57 7 0.55% 0.64
17 cs_de_dust_hdr_v3 14 0.60% 9 0.38% 1.56 10 0.78% 0.71
18 de_meknes_b1 54 2.30% 35 1.49% 1.54 27 2.11% 0.50
19 de_dust_small 24 1.02% 16 0.68% 1.50 15 1.17% 0.63
20 de_mentalhospital_beta 19 0.81% 13 0.55% 1.46 7 0.55% 0.37
21 de_lennon 55 2.34% 38 1.62% 1.45 27 2.11% 0.49
22 de_autumn 26 1.11% 18 0.77% 1.44 13 1.01% 0.50
23 de_siena 38 1.62% 27 1.15% 1.41 18 1.41% 0.47
24 de_sultan2 28 1.19% 20 0.85% 1.40 18 1.41% 0.64
25 de_kolsch 21 0.89% 15 0.64% 1.40 16 1.25% 0.76

Server Activity *

Rank Server Kills   % Ratio Deaths K:D Headshots Percentage of Headshots % HS:K
1 [XL] Oldies || No Pro || No AWP || 2,350 100.00% 2,350 1.0000 1,281 100.00% 0.5451

Player Kill Statistics *

Rank Victim Kills   % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1  GermanyTuЯbo[66]Schlingel 49 2.09% 73 3.11% 0.67 25 2.56% 0.51
2  Germany-FIGHTER- 38 1.62% 35 1.49% 1.09 18 1.84% 0.47
3  Bulgariadeta 28 1.19% 42 1.79% 0.67 16 1.64% 0.57
4  TürkiyeKİNG 26 1.11% 15 0.64% 1.73 13 1.33% 0.50
5  Denmarkostemad 25 1.06% 28 1.19% 0.89 17 1.74% 0.68
6  GermanyStyl3r 25 1.06% 15 0.64% 1.67 14 1.43% 0.56
7  GermanyO-Ren Ishii 24 1.02% 18 0.77% 1.33 12 1.23% 0.50
8  Germanylapaloma 23 0.98% 25 1.06% 0.92 14 1.43% 0.61
9  Bulgariamandarin© 23 0.98% 25 1.06% 0.92 10 1.02% 0.43
10  GermanyLotte 23 0.98% 13 0.55% 1.77 19 1.95% 0.83
11  Germany☆BVB CHILLER 67☆(4) 21 0.89% 29 1.23% 0.72 12 1.23% 0.57
12  Germanyg0ne . † digger † 21 0.89% 21 0.89% 1.00 8 0.82% 0.38
13  GermanyEisdieler 21 0.89% 16 0.68% 1.31 10 1.02% 0.48
14  Germanyx2eaL [B.O.K.] 20 0.85% 8 0.34% 2.50 11 1.13% 0.55
15  BelgiumBenjamin 19 0.81% 17 0.72% 1.12 11 1.13% 0.58
16  United kingdomP!LGR!M 19 0.81% 15 0.64% 1.27 10 1.02% 0.53
17  GermanyMac 18 0.77% 20 0.85% 0.90 7 0.72% 0.39
18  United kingdomAscended 18 0.77% 16 0.68% 1.13 11 1.13% 0.61
19  Germany]λτ™[ |DE|Tron 18 0.77% 15 0.64% 1.20 9 0.92% 0.50
20  GermanySonnyCrockettIsMyPapa 18 0.77% 5 0.21% 3.60 7 0.72% 0.39
21  GermanyKBHSV 17 0.72% 17 0.72% 1.00 7 0.72% 0.41
22  Germany]λτ™[ smole 17 0.72% 15 0.64% 1.13 3 0.31% 0.18
23  AustriaeGo_™ 17 0.72% 11 0.47% 1.55 9 0.92% 0.53
24  Germanyderrex63 17 0.72% 9 0.38% 1.89 8 0.82% 0.47
25  GermanyViruSZ 17 0.72% 7 0.30% 2.43 12 1.23% 0.71
26 16 0.68% 23 0.98% 0.70 9 0.92% 0.56
27  Moldovani4ka 16 0.68% 19 0.81% 0.84 9 0.92% 0.56
28  Austriacustom 16 0.68% 18 0.77% 0.89 3 0.31% 0.19
29  GermanyPeiN 16 0.68% 16 0.68% 1.00 12 1.23% 0.75
30  United kingdomJordan 16 0.68% 9 0.38% 1.78 7 0.72% 0.44
31  GermanyRainer Irrsinn [B.O.K.] 16 0.68% 9 0.38% 1.78 10 1.02% 0.63
32  Germany☆ ☠ StaR58 ☠ ☆ 16 0.68% 9 0.38% 1.78 11 1.13% 0.69
33  Germany-=]Earthship[=-Andi ☂ (6) 15 0.64% 18 0.77% 0.83 9 0.92% 0.60
34  Czechia(:) RENO (:) 15 0.64% 15 0.64% 1.00 5 0.51% 0.33
35  GermanyTotalschaden/Mute 15 0.64% 13 0.55% 1.15 7 0.72% 0.47
36  GermanyChr0m0s0m3 15 0.64% 12 0.51% 1.25 12 1.23% 0.80
37  BulgariaDangerous Dave 15 0.64% 12 0.51% 1.25 8 0.82% 0.53
38  Germanyd1ce 15 0.64% 10 0.43% 1.50 8 0.82% 0.53
39  DenmarkMasterchief 15 0.64% 9 0.38% 1.67 9 0.92% 0.60
40  RussiaWild 15 0.64% 9 0.38% 1.67 9 0.92% 0.60
41  GermanyBluthund ( 7 ) 14 0.60% 17 0.72% 0.82 6 0.61% 0.43
42  DenmarkBaraCk Handkäse Mit Music (8) 14 0.60% 16 0.68% 0.88 7 0.72% 0.50
43  AustriaChrizu - sei amoi leiwand 14 0.60% 13 0.55% 1.08 7 0.72% 0.50
44  Germany[cbdm] dwell 14 0.60% 11 0.47% 1.27 7 0.72% 0.50
45  SwitzerlandTiền [ ★] 14 0.60% 7 0.30% 2.00 5 0.51% 0.36
46  GermanyPeterLustig 13 0.55% 19 0.81% 0.68 4 0.41% 0.31
47  Germanysonar 13 0.55% 18 0.77% 0.72 9 0.92% 0.69
48  GermanyIsimiyaKi_E.K ' , ` 13 0.55% 14 0.60% 0.93 7 0.72% 0.54
49  Germany<sorry> 13 0.55% 6 0.26% 2.17 9 0.92% 0.69
50  GermanySlyzer 12 0.51% 27 1.15% 0.44 5 0.51% 0.42