Player Information for IsimiyaKi_E.K ' , `

Player Profile

Steam Community Avatar
Germany IsimiyaKi_E.K ' , `
Location: Munich, Germany
Steam: STEAM_0:0:32849769
Status: Offline
Click here to add as friend
Karma: In good standing
Member of Clan: (None)
Real Name: (Not Specified)
E-mail Address: (Not Specified)
Home Page: (Not Specified)
MM Rank: rank
Last Connect:* Sun. Mar. 23rd, 2025 @ 11:59:50
Total Connection Time: 9d 23:52:22h
Average Ping:* 47 ms (Latency: 24 ms)
Favorite Server:* [XL] Oldies || No Pro || No AWP ||
Favorite Map:* de_westwood_07_fixed
Favorite Weapon:* Kalashnikov AK-47

Statistics Summary

Activity: 74%
Points: 47,108
Rank: 42
Kills per Minute: 0.73
Kills per Death: 1.4540 (1.46*)
Headshots per Kill: 0.4441 (0.4362*)
Shots per Kill: 19.46
Weapon Accuracy: 19.7% (19%*)
Headshots: 4,639 (3,426*)
Kills: 10,447 (7,854*)
Deaths: 7,185 (5,370*)
Longest Kill Streak: 9
Longest Death Streak: 10
Suicides: 0
Teammate Kills: 77 (63*)

Player Rank

Lieutenant General

Current rank: Lieutenant General

Next rank: 2053 kills (18%)

Player Trend

Player Trend Graph

Forum Signature

forum sig image
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Sharpshooter Connection Time 150 Hours Award of AK47 Supreme Steyr Aug Supreme AWP Sniper Supreme Desert Eagle Supreme Bomb Defuser Supreme Dual Beretta Elites Award of Famas Supreme Five-Seven Supreme G3 SG1 Supreme Galil Bronze Glock Supreme Headshots Award of HE Grenades Award of Hostage Killer Award of Combat Knife Supreme Lowpinger Supreme M249 Para Supreme M3 Shotgun Award of Colt M4A1 Supreme MAC 10 Award of Most Kills Supreme MP5 Navy Supreme Sig P228 Supreme P90 Supreme Bomb Planter Award of Hostage Rescuer Supreme Scout Elite Award of SG 550 Supreme SG 552 Supreme Suicides Supreme Team Kills Supreme TMP Award of UMP 45 Bronze USP Supreme XM Shotgun

Global Awards


Rank Name Time Last Use   Kills Deaths K:D Headshots HS:K Suicides Accuracy
1 IsimiyaKi_E.K ' , ` 3d 22:55:34h 2025-03-23 13:06:54 4,172 2,831 1.47 1,929 0.46 0 19.6%
2 oki 0d 03:38:51h 2025-02-17 16:33:46 147 123 1.20 57 0.39 0 19.4%
3 heartfulness ' , ` 0d 02:11:15h 2025-02-14 18:20:34 93 67 1.39 33 0.35 0 18.5%
4 IsimiyaKi_E.K 1d 01:41:45h 2025-02-10 13:47:23 1,142 764 1.49 484 0.42 0 19.7%
5 IsimiyaKi ' , ` 0d 00:50:04h 2025-02-07 20:02:47 36 25 1.44 12 0.33 0 15.9%
6 NOAK.- 0d 00:37:48h 2025-02-06 16:14:23 20 18 1.11 11 0.55 0 20.4%
7 Isimiyaki_E.K ` , * 0d 02:31:11h 2025-02-03 23:10:54 101 60 1.68 45 0.45 0 14.3%
8 IsimiyaKi_E.K * , ` 1d 00:13:48h 2025-01-27 21:19:09 1,039 741 1.40 413 0.40 0 18.8%
9 okani 0d 04:13:22h 2025-01-21 17:11:27 189 128 1.48 78 0.41 0 20.8%
10 IsimiyAKi 0d 02:11:37h 2025-01-21 01:37:56 124 85 1.46 63 0.51 0 18.5%
11 SexyHexi 0d 00:12:45h 2024-12-27 23:47:11 3 5 0.60 2 0.67 0 13.4%
12 Holzkopf --- 2024-12-27 23:34:40 0 0 0.00 0 - 0 0.0%
13 ISIMIYAKI_E.K `, * 0d 08:01:21h 2024-12-27 23:34:23 296 220 1.35 125 0.42 0 19.5%
14 n1co `, * 0d 01:12:18h 2024-12-27 20:58:07 48 27 1.78 16 0.33 0 19.8%
15 Hasiii 0d 00:35:31h 2024-12-22 00:31:08 21 20 1.05 7 0.33 0 22.2%
16 n1co 0d 01:41:04h 2024-12-19 20:35:18 41 24 1.71 22 0.54 0 21.3%
17 Isimiyaki_E.K `,* 1d 03:48:33h 2024-12-18 23:28:53 1,303 851 1.53 579 0.44 0 21.0%
18 n1co `,* 0d 00:41:38h 2024-12-08 17:32:52 32 22 1.45 17 0.53 0 18.8%
19 '.FREESTYL9R_E.K ' , ` 0d 00:00:30h 2024-12-02 11:42:58 0 0 0.00 0 - 0 0.0%
20 IsimiyaKi_E.K ' . ` 0d 00:21:21h 2024-11-17 13:09:35 12 11 1.09 5 0.42 0 16.8%

Player Actions *

Rank Action Earned   Accumulated Points
1 Headshot 3,457 times 3,457
2 Double Kill (2 kills) 1,255 times 1,255
3 Triple Kill (3 kills) 551 times 1,102
4 Pick up the Bomb 537 times 1,074
5 Round MVP 447 times 0
6 Plant the Bomb 255 times 2,550
7 Drop the Bomb 237 times -474
8 Domination (4 kills) 214 times 642
9 Start Defusing the Bomb With a Defuse Kit 153 times 0
10 Domination 124 times 620
11 Rampage (5 kills) 83 times 332
12 Defuse the Bomb 55 times 550
13 Mega Kill (6 kills) 17 times 85
14 Revenge 15 times 45
15 Touch a Hostage 11 times 0
16 Start Defusing the Bomb Without a Defuse Kit 11 times 0
17 Ownage (7 kills) 4 times 24
18 Rescue a Hostage 2 times 10
19 Killing Spree (9 kills) 2 times 16
20 Kill a Hostage 2 times -30
21 Ultra Kill (8 kills) 1 times 7

Victims of Player-Player Actions *

Rank Action Earned Against   Accumulated Points
1 Domination 39 times -195
2 Revenge 23 times -69

Team Selection *

Rank Team Joined   % Ratio
1 Terrorist 682 times 28.40%
2 Counter-Terrorist 677 times 28.20%
3 Spectator 433 times 18.03%

Weapon Usage *

Rank Weapon Modifier Kills   % Ratio Headshots % Ratio HS:K
Kalashnikov AK-47
1.00 3,793 48.29% 1,882 54.93% 0.50
Colt M4A1 Carbine
1.00 2,557 32.56% 1,008 29.42% 0.39
H&K USP .45 Tactical
1.40 481 6.12% 288 8.41% 0.60
High Explosive Grenade
1.80 300 3.82% 0 0.00% 0.00
Bundeswehr Advanced Combat Knife
2.00 269 3.43% 25 0.73% 0.09
Desert Eagle .50AE
1.20 187 2.38% 85 2.48% 0.45
Glock 18 Select Fire
1.40 142 1.81% 94 2.74% 0.66
Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police)
1.00 29 0.37% 7 0.20% 0.24
FN P90
1.20 14 0.18% 5 0.15% 0.36
Sig SG-550 Sniper
0.80 13 0.17% 0 0.00% 0.00
Dual Beretta 96G Elite
1.40 10 0.13% 5 0.15% 0.50
Steyr Aug
1.00 10 0.13% 6 0.18% 0.60
H&K MP5-Navy
1.20 8 0.10% 3 0.09% 0.38
Benelli/H&K M4 Super 90 XM1014
1.10 6 0.08% 2 0.06% 0.33
M249 PARA Light Machine Gun
1.20 6 0.08% 3 0.09% 0.50
Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol
1.50 5 0.06% 3 0.09% 0.60
FN Five-Seven
1.50 5 0.06% 4 0.12% 0.80
1.20 3 0.04% 0 0.00% 0.00
Sig Sauer SG-552 Commando
1.00 3 0.04% 2 0.06% 0.67
Steyr Scout
1.10 2 0.03% 1 0.03% 0.50
Sig Sauer P-228
1.50 2 0.03% 2 0.06% 1.00
Benelli M3 Super 90 Combat
1.20 1 0.01% 1 0.03% 1.00
H&K G3/SG1 Sniper Rifle
0.80 1 0.01% 0 0.00% 0.00

Weapon Statistics *

Rank Weapon Shots Hits Damage Headshots Kills   K:D Accuracy Damage per Hit Shots per Kill
Kalashnikov AK-47
64,508 12,511 472,336 1,854 3,733 11.2779 19.4% 37.8 17.3
Colt M4A1 Carbine
60,058 10,747 306,122 1,005 2,537 34.2838 17.9% 28.5 23.7
H&K USP .45 Tactical
10,486 2,512 65,212 287 476 28.0000 24.0% 26.0 22.0
Bundeswehr Advanced Combat Knife
2,473 816 28,345 24 248 7.0857 33.0% 34.7 10.0
Desert Eagle .50AE
2,240 461 23,173 83 181 5.1714 20.6% 50.3 12.4
Glock 18 Select Fire
3,191 704 19,739 94 142 142.0000 22.1% 28.0 22.5
Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police)
89 33 5,124 8 29 2.0714 37.1% 155.3 3.1
FN P90
411 56 1,397 5 14 4.6667 13.6% 24.9 29.4
Sig SG-550 Sniper
74 24 1,408 0 13 13.0000 32.4% 58.7 5.7
Dual Beretta 96G Elite
118 23 1,086 5 10 2.5000 19.5% 47.2 11.8
Steyr Aug
128 33 1,282 6 10 10.0000 25.8% 38.8 12.8
H&K MP5-Navy
226 48 966 3 8 2.0000 21.2% 20.1 28.3
Benelli/H&K M4 Super 90 XM1014
32 40 670 2 6 3.0000 125.0% 16.8 5.3
M249 PARA Light Machine Gun
85 21 741 3 6 6.0000 24.7% 35.3 14.2
Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol
115 20 625 3 5 1.6667 17.4% 31.3 23.0
FN Five-Seven
113 25 661 4 5 5.0000 22.1% 26.4 22.6
151 18 236 0 3 3.0000 11.9% 13.1 50.3
Sig Sauer SG-552 Commando
35 12 382 2 3 3.0000 34.3% 31.8 11.7
Steyr Scout
37 8 629 1 2 1.0000 21.6% 78.6 18.5
Sig Sauer P-228
37 10 361 2 2 2.0000 27.0% 36.1 18.5
Benelli M3 Super 90 Combat
9 3 152 1 1 0.3333 33.3% 50.7 9.0
H&K G3/SG1 Sniper Rifle
7 1 75 0 1 1.0000 14.3% 75.0 7.0
24 8 187 0 0 0.0000 33.3% 23.4 0.0
Fusil Automatique
40 7 148 0 0 0.0000 17.5% 21.1 0.0

Weapon Targets *

Rank Weapon Hits   Head Chest Stomach Left Arm Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg Left Middle Right
Kalashnikov AK-47
12,511 2,065 3,395 1,889 2,585 922 888 767 27.8% 58.7% 13.5%
Colt M4A1 Carbine
10,742 1,585 3,394 1,476 2,202 710 742 633 27.4% 60.1% 12.5%
H&K USP .45 Tactical
2,512 618 756 258 555 186 76 63 25.1% 65.0% 9.9%
Glock 18 Select Fire
704 182 202 69 127 75 23 26 21.3% 64.3% 14.3%
Desert Eagle .50AE
461 92 172 41 95 35 17 9 24.3% 66.2% 9.5%
Bundeswehr Advanced Combat Knife
458 111 136 62 76 43 13 17 19.4% 67.5% 13.1%
FN P90
56 7 18 7 10 2 8 4 32.1% 57.1% 10.7%
H&K MP5-Navy
48 6 16 5 10 8 2 1 25.0% 56.3% 18.8%
Benelli/H&K M4 Super 90 XM1014
40 4 10 6 6 4 2 8 20.0% 50.0% 30.0%
Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police)
33 8 9 1 13 2 0 0 39.4% 54.5% 6.1%
Steyr Aug
33 9 10 4 8 1 1 0 27.3% 69.7% 3.0%
FN Five-Seven
25 5 9 0 9 1 1 0 40.0% 56.0% 4.0%
Sig SG-550 Sniper
24 0 10 4 5 0 3 2 33.3% 58.3% 8.3%
Dual Beretta 96G Elite
23 5 7 1 5 2 2 1 30.4% 56.5% 13.0%
M249 PARA Light Machine Gun
21 3 7 2 5 1 1 2 28.6% 57.1% 14.3%
Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol
20 6 4 2 5 1 0 2 25.0% 60.0% 15.0%
18 1 6 1 7 3 0 0 38.9% 44.4% 16.7%
Sig Sauer SG-552 Commando
12 2 2 1 6 1 0 0 50.0% 41.7% 8.3%
Sig Sauer P-228
10 2 4 1 2 1 0 0 20.0% 70.0% 10.0%
Steyr Scout
8 1 0 0 7 0 0 0 87.5% 12.5% 0.0%
8 0 4 0 3 0 1 0 50.0% 50.0% 0.0%
Fusil Automatique
7 1 3 0 2 0 1 0 42.9% 57.1% 0.0%
Benelli M3 Super 90 Combat
3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
H&K G3/SG1 Sniper Rifle
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%

Map Performance *

Rank Map Kills % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D   Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1 de_vast 6 0.08% 1 0.02% 6.00 5 0.15% 0.83
2 cs_chickenrun 6 0.08% 1 0.02% 6.00 2 0.06% 0.33
3 de_tpoint 9 0.11% 2 0.04% 4.50 2 0.06% 0.22
4 cs_militia 7 0.09% 2 0.04% 3.50 3 0.09% 0.43
5 de_port 29 0.37% 9 0.17% 3.22 10 0.29% 0.34
6 de_uvalno_kopec 25 0.32% 8 0.15% 3.13 13 0.38% 0.52
7 de_winter_village 15 0.19% 5 0.09% 3.00 4 0.12% 0.27
8 de_parthe_beta 8 0.10% 3 0.06% 2.67 3 0.09% 0.38
9 de_lennon 5 0.06% 2 0.04% 2.50 3 0.09% 0.60
10 de_favela_2010 12 0.15% 5 0.09% 2.40 5 0.15% 0.42
11 de_cbble2_extended 14 0.18% 6 0.11% 2.33 5 0.15% 0.36
12 de_pyramid_css 15 0.19% 7 0.13% 2.14 9 0.26% 0.60
13 de_cod4_vacant 15 0.19% 7 0.13% 2.14 10 0.29% 0.67
14 de_torn_ht_beta3 34 0.43% 16 0.30% 2.13 13 0.38% 0.38
15 cs_motel 19 0.24% 9 0.17% 2.11 11 0.32% 0.58
16 de_lost_town 12 0.15% 6 0.11% 2.00 2 0.06% 0.17
17 xmas_nipperhouse_max12 10 0.13% 5 0.09% 2.00 4 0.12% 0.40
18 de_forgottensands_pro 6 0.08% 3 0.06% 2.00 3 0.09% 0.50
19 cs_china_v2 6 0.08% 3 0.06% 2.00 3 0.09% 0.50
20 de_dolls_2008_fixed 4 0.05% 2 0.04% 2.00 3 0.09% 0.75
21 de_werkshafen-rc2 4 0.05% 2 0.04% 2.00 3 0.09% 0.75
22 cs_classified 2 0.03% 1 0.02% 2.00 2 0.06% 1.00
23 de_office2 2 0.03% 0 0.00% 2.00 1 0.03% 0.50
24 de_scorch_rc1 2 0.03% 1 0.02% 2.00 1 0.03% 0.50
25 cs_olympic 2 0.03% 1 0.02% 2.00 1 0.03% 0.50

Server Activity *

Rank Server Kills   % Ratio Deaths K:D Headshots Percentage of Headshots % HS:K
1 [XL] Oldies || No Pro || No AWP || 7,854 100.00% 5,370 1.4626 3,426 100.00% 0.4362

Player Kill Statistics *

Rank Victim Kills   % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1  Bulgariadeta 88 1.12% 95 1.77% 0.93 42 1.38% 0.48
2  Germany-FIGHTER- 84 1.07% 57 1.06% 1.47 42 1.38% 0.50
3  Polandcoconot 76 0.97% 69 1.28% 1.10 32 1.05% 0.42
4  United kingdomJordan 75 0.95% 52 0.97% 1.44 30 0.98% 0.40
5  GermanyEisdieler 73 0.93% 47 0.88% 1.55 24 0.79% 0.33
6  Denmarkostemad 70 0.89% 50 0.93% 1.40 32 1.05% 0.46
7  Germanydєя Çєяņ™✔★ 70 0.89% 46 0.86% 1.52 30 0.98% 0.43
8  Germany☆BVB CHILLER 67☆(4) 62 0.79% 55 1.02% 1.13 30 0.98% 0.48
9  FranceGab! 54 0.69% 38 0.71% 1.42 24 0.79% 0.44
10  Germanykator ♥ NootNoot 52 0.66% 41 0.76% 1.27 17 0.56% 0.33
11  Germanypitbull_getriebepudel (4) 51 0.65% 31 0.58% 1.65 18 0.59% 0.35
12  DenmarkBaraCk Handkäse Mit Music (8) 48 0.61% 25 0.47% 1.92 25 0.82% 0.52
13  GermanyTuЯbo[66]Schlingel 47 0.60% 39 0.73% 1.21 22 0.72% 0.47
14  Germanyebbe404 46 0.59% 33 0.61% 1.39 23 0.76% 0.50
15  DenmarkwarPhiz 46 0.59% 28 0.52% 1.64 17 0.56% 0.37
16  GermanyOstbekanntschaft ..^^.. (4) 46 0.59% 26 0.48% 1.77 18 0.59% 0.39
17  GermanyBlutengel 46 0.59% 16 0.30% 2.88 21 0.69% 0.46
18  GermanyRocco...[kommt gerne von hinten 46 0.59% 15 0.28% 3.07 22 0.72% 0.48
19  Germany˛ˆZizouuˆ˛ 45 0.57% 37 0.69% 1.22 26 0.85% 0.58
20  GermanyTotalschaden/Mute 45 0.57% 23 0.43% 1.96 22 0.72% 0.49
21  GermanySlyzer 43 0.55% 33 0.61% 1.30 19 0.62% 0.44
22  Germanyx2eaL [B.O.K.] 43 0.55% 32 0.60% 1.34 20 0.66% 0.47
23  GermanyHelmut 43 0.55% 31 0.58% 1.39 21 0.69% 0.49
24  GermanyLorenor Zorro 43 0.55% 24 0.45% 1.79 23 0.76% 0.53
25  GermanyElmex 42 0.53% 52 0.97% 0.81 21 0.69% 0.50
26  AustriaTreff nix Lady Flashy^^ 42 0.53% 37 0.69% 1.14 17 0.56% 0.40
27  Germany☆CHILLER'S LADY☆ ( 4 ) 42 0.53% 17 0.32% 2.47 22 0.72% 0.52
28  BelgiumBenjamin 41 0.52% 32 0.60% 1.28 16 0.53% 0.39
29  GermanyleckerTHÜRINGERRostbratwurst 41 0.52% 12 0.22% 3.42 17 0.56% 0.41
30  Germanyfr33styler 40 0.51% 39 0.73% 1.03 18 0.59% 0.45
31  Germanyh34dcut 40 0.51% 25 0.47% 1.60 18 0.59% 0.45
32  United kingdomAscended 40 0.51% 13 0.24% 3.08 19 0.62% 0.48
33  Germany★ Zauberfee ★ 39 0.50% 33 0.61% 1.18 18 0.59% 0.46
34  Germany-Moldi-OPA- Pax Terra 39 0.50% 15 0.28% 2.60 20 0.66% 0.51
35  GermanyTommy ( 8 ) 38 0.48% 23 0.43% 1.65 18 0.59% 0.47
36  BulgariaDangerous Dave 38 0.48% 17 0.32% 2.24 19 0.62% 0.50
37  GermanyBluthund ( 7 ) 37 0.47% 32 0.60% 1.16 13 0.43% 0.35
38  GermanyPapa Mulder 37 0.47% 16 0.30% 2.31 23 0.76% 0.62
39  EgyptDark Crypt 36 0.46% 33 0.61% 1.09 20 0.66% 0.56
40  Bulgariamandarin© 36 0.46% 12 0.22% 3.00 18 0.59% 0.50
41  Germany-=]Earthship[=-Andi ☂ (6) 35 0.45% 34 0.63% 1.03 14 0.46% 0.40
42  GermanypabloO 35 0.45% 21 0.39% 1.67 14 0.46% 0.40
43  DenmarkBobo.DK 35 0.45% 14 0.26% 2.50 15 0.49% 0.43
44  Germany[XL]Oldie-★彡Weedy彡 (7) 34 0.43% 31 0.58% 1.10 15 0.49% 0.44
45  GermanyPeterLustig 34 0.43% 29 0.54% 1.17 15 0.49% 0.44
46  Germanyeimingh ohne aiming 34 0.43% 29 0.54% 1.17 13 0.43% 0.38
47  RussiaWild 34 0.43% 25 0.47% 1.36 14 0.46% 0.41
48  GermanyRebell 33 0.42% 18 0.34% 1.83 18 0.59% 0.55
49  GermanyKBHSV 32 0.41% 21 0.39% 1.52 15 0.49% 0.47
50  United kingdomP!LGR!M 32 0.41% 13 0.24% 2.46 13 0.43% 0.41